Dr. Rey Galua was born in 1974 in Kitcharao, South of the Philippines. He was the fifth child of Mr Hilario Galua and Mrs Geonita Galua. Galua attended his elementary in San Roque Elementary School, at Kitcharao Agusan del Norte.

Dr. Rey Galua attended High School at Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy. Kitcharao Agusan del Norte graduated with honors and gold medalist, excellent in mathematics. Galua began his study in Architecture College of Engineering and Architecture in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines and graduated in 1997.
In 1998, Galua took and passed the board examination in Architecture given by the Professional Regulation Commission. He registered his own Architectural Consulting firm, whose trade name was RD Galua Associates, and changed to GALUA PLUS Architectural Design Studio.
In 2004, Dr. Rey Galua attended his master’s studies in Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City Philippines, Master in Sustainable Development Studies major in Rural and Urban Planning, and graduated in 2007. He continues his studies to a Doctoral degree in Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City, Doctor in Sustainable Development Studies primary in Rural and Urban Planning, and graduated in 2011.
Source: Dr. Rey Galua