What is Warfare Plugins?
Warfare Plugins was created by a team of professional content creators, designers, and developers who have a huge interest in social media marketing. Visit warfareplugins.com.
What are the products of Warfare Plugins?
Our products are Social Warfare, Social Warfare – Pro, and Social Warfare – AffiliateWP.
What is Social Warfare?
Social Warfare is among the pioneers of customizing how your content is shared, particularly with Pinterest. The Social Warfare – Pro add-on allows you to decide exactly which image, title, and description appear when your content is shared on sites like Facebook and Google+.
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Does Warfare Plugins have an Affiliate Program?
Yes. By joining the Affiliate Program, you can earn a 30% commission when you recommend Social Warfare to your friends and readers!
How can I join the Affiliate Program?
To join, log into your account and register a new affiliate account. For more details visit Warfare Plugins.
I downloaded this plugin but don’t have a Social Warfare-Pro license. How can I get one?
You can sign up for a Social Warfare premium license by visiting our website and choosing the package that best suits your needs.
How do I use the shortcodes?
Shortcodes are used like so: [social_warfare]. If you would like to specify a different share URL than the page you are placing the buttons on, you can use this format: [social_warfare post_id=”3″] where 3 is the ID number of the post or page you want to have shared.
Something isn’t working as expected. How can I get support?
We have a growing archive of Support Articles to help you address most questions and troubleshooting. If you wish to receive email support, you will need a Pro license.
Will all my shares carry over if I switch social sharing plugins?
We know that social proof is an important part of the psychology of sharing. With that in mind, we want to ensure that your site is getting the credit it deserves (no more, no less) for all the social shares on pages and posts.
Where can I view and track my licenses?
To view and track all of your current licenses simply go to the Account page on warfareplugins.com and log in to your account.
Using Shortcodes and PHP Snippets
You can add the share buttons inside of a post or page by using the [social_warfare] shortcode. Wherever you place it the buttons panel will be generated on that page. It’s that easy.
How does Social Warfare calculate share counts?
Social Warfare’s Share Counts are populated (or ‘fetched’) through the API of each social network individually. This ensures share count accuracy and if you ever switch domains your share counts will remain the same. How these numbers are calculated varies depending on the network. Some social networks will count only the number of unique times a link has been shared while others will also count social actions taken on those shared links (such as “Likes” or “Shares” or even comments in some cases). So the best way to describe it is that the number shown represents the most accurate number of quantifiable social actions taken on the shared URL.
Do you have a free trial version of the plugin?
The core plugin (Social WArfare) is 100% free and can be found in the WordPress Plugin Repository. We do, however, offer a 100% love-it-or-your-money-back guarantee for the first 45 days for any paid plugin or add-on you purchase from Warfare Plugins.
What if I don’t like how the plugins work on my site, will you accept a refund?
If for any reason whatsoever you don’t love how it works on your site, let us know. As long as you’re within the 45-day window, we’ll issue your refund straight away.
Does Warfare Plugins provide support service if ever I have issues encountered?
Here at Warfare Plugins, we’ll do the absolute best we possibly can to help you solve any issues and answer any questions you might have while using our plugins. However, as you might imagine, we do periodically encounter requests for support in situations that are simply beyond what we are able or willing to help with.
How can I translate Social Warfare into my language?
We’re dedicated to getting Social Warfare translated into every possible language. In order to take on that task, we need your help! We’ve made it super easy to contribute a translation to the plugin by signing up on our Pro editor project.
Can I download free Warfare Plugins-Social Warfare Pro?
We do not offer a trial version of Social Warfare – Pro add-on. The core plugin (Social WArfare) is 100% free and can be found in the WordPress Plugin Repository. We do, however, offer a 100% love-it-or-your-money-back guarantee for the first 45 days for any paid plugin or add-on you purchase from Warfare Plugins.
How do I get a refund or cancel my subscription?
We have a 100% money-back, no questions asked, guarantee on our plugin. If for any reason you don’t absolutely love this plugin, simply hit the “Contact Support” button on the top of this page or use the contact form on the account page and shoot us a short note letting us know that you’d like us to issue you a refund or cancel your subscription.
How soon can I request fo a refund from the time of my initial purchase?
You must request a refund within 45 days of your initial purchase or within 15 days of a subscription renewal. Most refunds are issued either the same day or at the most within the next 1 to 2 business days.
Why isn’t there an Instagram sharing button?
Instagram currently doesn’t allow you to share a photo or video from another website – you can only upload photos/videos directly from your mobile device. Since there is no sharing mechanism, there is no way for us to include a button that will share your content to Instagram.
How do I translate the plugin into my own language?
We often find ourselves encountering folks who would like to translate the plugin into their own language. Often they make attempts at editing the plugin themselves and ultimately find themselves frustrated if they can’t get that to work. But there’s great news: You don’t have to edit the plugin or any files in order to translate the plugin into your language. We have a public translation project for the plugin that anyone in the world is welcome to join and contribute towards.
Why isn’t there an Instagram share button?
We have gotten this question a lot over the years. And since Instagram is one of the most popular social networks, it’s reasonable to wonder why a share button doesn’t exist for it. There are two primary reasons you will not find an Instagram share button in Social Warfare (or most legitimate sharing plugins): Instagram doesn’t support it Instagram culture isn’t conducive to link sharing.
What are network authentications used for and how do they affect the privacy of my personal data?
First and foremost, we want to address the question of personal data. When authenticated and connected to an API, certain pieces of personal data can be seen by the connected software if it requests it. This includes things like your name, email address, and possibly other information as well. Warfare Plugins does not and will not access any of that personal information.
What does API mean?
Definition: The term API refers to an Application Programming Interface. That fancy term simply means that the Social Warfare plugin can access Facebook’s system and access specific pieces of information from Facebook’s database.
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Source: [Verified]Warfare Plugins Coupons And Promo Codes
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